Preplanning: A Day in the Life of Our Preplanning Specialist

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As Jessi Rinne hops in the car for her morning commute, she thinks about the full workday ahead. She knows she will swing into immediate action upon arrival and that her day will be busy – and varied. And she also knows it will be rewarding.

Her destination? Gearty-Delmore Funeral Chapels, where she has helped people with advance funeral planning for more than 20 years. Jessi’s thoughts turn to those she will help in person, over the phone, and via email today. And as she does, she thinks about some of the people she has recently helped as well.

Joe and Teresa have partnered throughout their 50+ year marriage on life’s plans and purchases. Now, they would like to plan their final arrangements together.

Baby boomers Mike and Kelly are spending time preparing for retirement.

Single mother Mary worked hard to keep her kids safe and secure and is once again looking out for them as she considers her end-of-life choices.

Bill and Jane, an aging couple with an adult dependent child, know they will face some difficult decisions ahead.

Curt, who has been battling cancer for several years, is feeling ready to outline his wishes in advance.

And siblings Christine and Todd, who have just helped their mom with their dad’s funeral services, are now interested in helping her with her own advance funeral planning.

Jessi knows that no matter the situation, though it may seem daunting to think about, the benefits of preplanning funeral arrangements are both practically and emotionally abundant. Emotionally, advance planning relieves your loved ones of the burden of making difficult decisions during a time of grief and mourning. And it helps to ensure that your preferences and values are aligned.

Practically, advance planning allows you to financially prepare for your funeral expenses. Setting aside funds for funeral expenses can alleviate financial strain on your family members.

As she pulls into the funeral chapel parking lot, Jessi dons her preplanning cap. She feels good knowing that the conversations she will have today are important ones. She hopes that with her help, folks will gain some peace of mind, having taken care of this important aspect of life. And she trusts that those she is helping can then focus on living fully in the present.

Learn more about advance funeral planning here

March 13, 2025
Most of us enjoy a bit of variety in our workdays. For me, one of the things I have always enjoyed about funeral service is that we never know what is coming next. On any given day, we might move from directing a high-profile funeral complete with news crews and hundreds of mourners to handling arrangements for someone with little or no family and the potential for no one to grieve their passing. I hold a firm belief that all creatures – great and small – deserve the dignity of a pause to commemorate their lives by surrounding them with earthly affection for a heavenly sendoff. Whether serving a prominent family, a lonely soul, or somewhere in between, our funeral directors are called upon day after day to bring respect, compassion and caring to every person that we serve. The variety in a funeral director’s day is set into motion the moment they step into the building each morning. From the first exchange over the phone, they begin prioritizing actions, lending a listening ear and understanding family dynamics. Of course, there are many details that must be coordinated between the family, our funeral directors, and our business partners, making funeral directors very good multi-taskers. Another important part of their work is in keeping personal information to themselves and protecting privacy, while also bringing dignity to every death experience, regardless of status. Every spring, for many years, I’ve spoken to the U of M’s Mortuary Science students about the importance of burying the poor as a corporal work of mercy. Understanding that they will be called upon to carry out this act of kindness is likely something to which the students haven’t given a lot of thought. To help bring this idea to light, I share stories from my own experience, including the story of Cordelia and Junious, a rather unlikely friendship between a well-to-do local woman and her neighbor, a mentally disabled gentleman. Cordelia and Junious’ friendship story is one of the strongest demonstrations of acts of kindness in action that I have ever experienced! Their story not only demonstrates the point being made, it also warms my heart (and those of the students) year after year! A previous blog telling the story of Cordelia and Junious can be found here: Variety in the workday? Absolutely. Circumstances that vary widely from death call to death call, yes, indeed. The ability to provide care, compassion and respectfulness to all? Most definitely. We serve all creatures – great and small – with that same dignity.
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Lois Cavanagh Hagel began our conference by admonishing her husband, “LeRoy, you can’t build your own casket, what will people say?” My notes say that the date was January 28, 2007 and what Lois was referring to was her husband LeRoy’s desire to build his own casket out of the barn wood from his family farm in Rogers, MN. LeRoy Hagel was born on May 19, 1926. Like so many of his generation, he enlisted in WWII at age 18 and served in the Philippines and the occupation army of Japan. He married Lois, from the very prominent Cavanagh family of Robbinsdale. Lois’ father Phil was a home builder and he taught LeRoy the construction business. LeRoy and his father-in-law built the Hagel family home in Golden Valley. LeRoy and Lois came that January morning to do what so many people do; pre-plan their funerals to provide guidance for their services and ease the burden of their children. Lois wanted a funeral Mass followed by cremation and LeRoy wanted to build his own casket for burial. They were to be placed in a single grave at Holy Name Cemetery in Medina, their church home where they were extremely active. Lois was concerned that people “would talk” about the homemade casket. LeRoy explained the theological reason why he wanted to build the casket and the urn for Lois. He built the home where they had resided since the 1950’s, where they raised the kids and where they continued to live in retirement. That house protected them through freezing winters and blistering summers. He wanted to build the “home” that would protect their mortal remains until the day of Resurrection. He wanted to build it of the wood of the family farm, where their son John lived. LeRoy took measurements of caskets in our building. He measured widths, heights, lengths of the casket to assure it would fit in the vault when the time came. LeRoy proudly called when it was time to transfer the completed product to the storeroom of Gearty-Delmore, the pictures included show LeRoy and me carrying it out of the barn door in Rogers. There was one stop on the way: a Berber outdoors lining was stitched in at Northwestern Casket Co. The interior lid was adorned with a photo of the Rogers homestead. Lois passed away on January 24, 2016. In all kinds of weather, LeRoy made a daily trip from their home to spend the day at St. Therese with Lois. When we arrived at St. Therese Home, LeRoy was at her side and followed us out to the hearse. As Lois’ arrangements were being finalized, LeRoy decided that he wanted to place Lois’ urn in the casket he had built, and to await him so that she could be placed in the casket with him. LeRoy adjusted to life without Lois, it was not easy for him, but he persevered. John Hagel lived on the family farm in Rogers. He was the first of three adopted children that Lois and LeRoy lovingly raised. John suffered from a few health issues and relied on dialysis to survive. August 29th of this year, John was found in the farmhouse, his death the result of natural causes. His service was held on September 3rd at the Plymouth Chapel presided by LeRoy’s pastor, Fr. Steve Ulrick. The music performed by Paul and Jody Keefe, Paul being one of John’s closest and longest friends. LeRoy got up and addressed the friends assembled. He recalled the happy days in Golden Valley, the close relationship of the Keefe and Hagel families, as well as acknowledging others in the room who had been close to John over the years. LeRoy asked for mercy on John’s soul and forgiveness of his transgressions. He went on to ask for forgiveness for himself as well, from anyone in the family that he had wronged, and hoped the good Lord would look favorably on him when his days ended. With slightly misty eyes, he went to the casket of his son, blessed him, said good-bye and commended his soul to God. It was the last time I saw LeRoy. He went to his daughter’s home in Miller, South Dakota to recuperate and get a little rest. While there, he became ill and died on November 22. The hearse was dispatched to bring LeRoy home. Tuesday December 1, 2020 was an unusually warm and sunny day. There was a small crowd at Holy Name Church, mostly family and a couple of friends in attendance for LeRoy’s Mass. The cantors were life-long friends, Paul and Jody Keefe. Fr. Steve Ulrick said the Mass. In his Homily, Fr. Steve spoke of the great humility of LeRoy, that he was totally dependent on the Lord. His life consisting of family, the earth and the work of his hands. LeRoy lived the cycle of life over and over, serving his family and his Lord. People often ask me how I do this day after day, watching the sadness. My answer is to read this article and walk the journey of Lois and LeRoy. They came to see their friend, the funeral director, to plan their services. LeRoy described his wishes for burial that reflected his faith. He left those plans with his friend in total confidence that his wishes would be carried out. This scenario is carried out across our country every day and provides funeral directors the greatest satisfaction in their vocation. The last act was the burial in Holy Name Cemetery. Fr. Steve and I stayed to be sure that LeRoy’s creation would fit in the vault, the greatest uncertainty of home-made caskets. I told Fr. Steve I would be partly to blame as I was the measuring consultant so many years ago. The casket fit perfectly, a testament to the perfection and craftsmanship of the carpenter, LeRoy Hagel. In the liturgical season dedicated to preparing for the Lord’s birth, we buried LeRoy with Lois tucked at his side to await the Lord’s return. “O come, O come, Emmanuel and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here, until the Son of God appear”
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